
Bill's Home Page

Bill FRIENDS:  I just wanted to introduce myself and tell you why I have this website.  I'm a retired gentleman with a lifetime collection of STUFFFFFFF and am trying to "get smaller".  My home and a small storage unit in Lakewood, (Tacoma) WA, are bulging with an incredible variety of things, such as a new solid brass door kickplate, new solid brass plumbing fixtures, used onyx bathroom sink/countertop, stamp collection, coins and bills, jewelry (see the page on my mom's watch), new and used office and art supplies, very slightly used electrostatic paper plate maker for printing presses, Xerox/ABDick developer, thousands of expensive file folders, thousands more cash register rolls, 100 year old bavarian china plate-rail plates, Arabian horse/equitation library, (about half has been sold), sailing magazines, old bone handled flatware.  Antiques and junk.  And that's just the start. All purchasing currently has to be done via email — as I'm not in business, I have no order forms but I can take credit cards through PayPal.

Check back here every so often and see what other items I've been able to get written up and their pictures taken. Some people have gotten a great deal. Being that I'm not in business, when my stuff is sold, there will be no replacements. Thanks for visiting.

I will consider trading sale items for a current G5 model Macintosh CPU and/or 17" or 19Õ LCD monitor in good condition. Let's talk.

For pictures and details, CHOOSE A PAGE LISTED HERE:

Pay me securely with your Visa or MasterCard through PayPal!


NORTHWEST BUYERS are welcome to contact me about viewing and picking up the items personally. This is especially helpful on bulky or heavy items like cash register rolls, file folders, Xerox developer or the AB Dick electrostatic paper plate maker. All items are located in the South Tacoma or Lakewood areas. Jewelry and other expensive items will be viewed at my bank.


Questions?   WRITE ME


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This page last updated July 15, 2004.

